Married To Medicine aired Sunday night on Bravo and just waiting for 9:00 had me on the edge of my seat. I couldn’t wait to see what was the result of the argument at the fashion show. This episode showed Dr. Simone wanting to help Dr. Jackie see if she was really ready to be a mother. She gives Jackie a baby doll, like the ones they would give high school kids to let them know the pressures of parenthood. After a 16 hour shift at the hospital, Jackie realizes she left the baby in the car the entire time. Dr. Heavenly visits Mariah to find out what the blow up was about. Read more below.
Heavenly is welcomed by Mariah’s mom Ms. Lucy attacking her and questioning her loyalty to Mariah. Mariah says, “she expects you to be Team Mariah”. After that visit, Heavenly decides she wants to throw a dinner. She invites Quad, Toya, Jackie, Simone and Lisa Nicole. Before we head to the dinner party, lets talk about Toya. Toya and her husband put down $50,000.00 as a down payment for a house they wanted to purchase. She says the bank is changing the closing date stating that they are having trouble verifying his income. She says Eugene works as an ER doctor but also has his own business, and the bank is having trouble verifying his income as being legit to get the loan. That sounds suspect to me first off. Why can’t they just verify his income tax statements for whatever years income needs to be verified?
Anywho, lets jump to the dinner party. Lisa Nicole has the balls to address the elephant in the room. She asks Heavenly why she did not invite Mariah. She says she feels the vibe would have been negative had Mariah shown up. Yet in the same breath Heavenly throws a Palm Tree over the ladies. She says the dinner party is about relationships and they could learn from each other. She pretty much called all the women out. She says Quad just got married so she is lucky to be in the circle of medicine. Simone has a problem with pleasing her husband and Jackie doesn’t know how to let her husband lead the household. She told Toya she spends all her husbands money and then say she has a real estate license and it does not take that long to close on a house. It sounds like Toya confided in her and Heavenly spilled Toya’s tea all on the dinner table.
Then Simone expresses wanting to go on a couple’s trip. Ms Quad says plain and simple, if Mariah goes she is out. Simone sheds some tears saying she feels bad to have to exclude Mariah because they have history.
Hmmmm is the Queen Bee Mariah lonely in her hive? Or will the girls come around? I guess only time will tell honey.
Check out the episode below by clicking the link.