Our first female feature is showcasing the talent of someone who is going to intrigue your mind. This is a very talented artist by the name of Dahlia. (Love that name!) Dahlia hails from the Westside of Detroit born and raised into a world of music. She wrote her first poem at age 9 but her attention quickly turned to rap because at that time, that is what she felt most comfortable doing. She was mainly a rapper from the age of 9 to 25 and then one day at the age of 26 she wrote a poem called invisible and it changed her life forever; from that moment on she realized that she was meant to be a poet, but she kept her rap roots and came up with a style like no other, a true poet that can also spit a mean 16, one of the reasons she fell in love with poetry was because she wanted to be able to express things in true form and then use her gifts of artistry to create that same idea into a rap where she could reach even more people, not to mention that when she started doing poetry she felt free. Check out the rest of her feature below.
Dahlia has music in her veins and grew up around music her whole life. Her father was a musician she was told stories of him playing music to her while she was still in her mother’s womb; when she was a kid she remembers sitting on the floor being mesmerized by her dad playing music in the house, she felt those where the best times of her life where she would sit and watch him play for hours and hours at a time. Their shared love for music gave them a unique bond. Her father used to own and operate a studio and there she met many beautiful souls that helped her develop her craft and enhance her musical skills. Seeing her father run a label made her want to be involved with music from a early age, one of her first musical breakthroughs came when she was 13 when she was taught how to write a song, later that year she joined a girl group called Odeyse and her rap name was Vin-um which she performed under years later after joining another girl group in adulthood, ViLaMi. Once her life experiences began to mature and heavily influence her style the name Vin-um seem to not mirror her new found persona until a singer gave the moniker, Dahlia, a Colombian Flower, and that is when the dope flower of Spoken Word was born. Now the world is about to take witness to this beautiful wild flower. Dahlia is the poet/rapper who spits real knowledge about touchy subjects that most people are too uncomfortable to address, the future of expression has arrived or blossomed. You can hear the passion in her voice which is demands the attention of the listener. Dahlia has been traveling shutting down shows and open mic sets. She is also apart of the Detroit P.O.E.T society. Check out her work below. She is not your ordinary artist which is what music needs out here. She definitely has a style similar to Lauryn Hill’s.

I love that she is not afraid to speak her mind and will touch topics that makes most afraid to think about publicly. You can tell she is not in it for the fame, it is a true passion.
I dig this!
Check out Dahlia’s peformance
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