We are featuring our second female emcee today with an artist named Candis White. This Brooklyn, NY female artist has the lyrical poise to fall in line with some of the greatest, both male and female. With more than a decade of caressing line paper with an ink pen, Candis is solidifying her spot as one of the best to emerge out of the Big Apple. Compelled by the likes of Jay-Z, Notorious B.I.G, Nas, Foxy Brown, Lil Kim, Missy Elliott and Tupac, it is her very own life experiences growing up in Brooklyn’s Farragut & Fort Greene Projects that allow Candis to demolish any microphone she encounters speaking truth whenever she breathes air into the mic. Read more about this artist below.
Candis has been performing at some of the hottest spots along the East Coast, and also appearing on internet radio shows throughout the world, gaining fans on every continent. While most suffer the loss of their mixtape buzz after a while, Candis continues to reign. Her work has landed her appearances on MTV’s RapFix Live and on Shade 45’s “Sway in the Morning” show.

Check out the interview with Sway below.
It was in 2003 when Candis composed a tear-jerking number in reference to her years growing up and the loss of her grandmother, titled “It’s OK” that she started to see hard work and dedication pay off. The song earned her a $10,000 college scholarship in the annual BMG World of Expressions songwriting contest. Candis has a message in her music that separates her from her peers, a “heart-felt” message, that captures the essence of hip hop. Candis is a constant reminder of what the entertainment world is missing.
With the recent formation of her company, DreamHouse Entertainment, Candis is not only focused on creating great music and empowering her team to learn the music business, she is also doing her part to give back to the community. The DreamHouse “Make A Difference” Scholarship is one of her latest efforts to provide some financial relief to the college student who submits the best essay. She is also an official sponsor of the Brooklyn-based Educated Little Monsters Youth Group.
I had the opportunity to speak to her and you can tell she is a very humble person. I also viewed her videos, what I like about her is that she is not trying to be another Nicki Minaj. She has her own style and she is not half naked in the videos. She is letting her lyrical ability speak for itself. You can definitely hear the Brooklyn roots in her music, as she puts me in the mindset of Foxy Brown with her flow. One of her songs was a tribute to Trayvon Martin and it definitely touched my heart. Check out her music below. In the words of Candis, she is hip hop!
Stumble & Fall : This is has to be my favorite from Candis because it speaks to me.
BET Hot 16 Contest
So Much More Freestyle
The Mixtape Trailer
I definitely salute her grind and will be keeping up with her, and you should too.
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