Was Beyonce Peer Pressured Into Combing Blue Ivy’s Hair?

This has got to be one of the silliest things I have heard in my life. People have that much time on their hands they started a petition for Beyonce and Jay Z to comb Blue Ivy’s hair. Someone by the name of JT out of New York, has started a petition on change.org regarding the way little Blue’s parents let her wear her hair. The description of the petition says:

 As a woman who understands the importance of hair care. It’s disturbing to watch a child suffering from the lack of hair moisture. The parents of Blue Ivy. Sean Carter A.K.A Jay-Z and Beyoncé has failed at numerous attempts of doing Blue Ivy Hair. This matter has escalated to the child developing matted dreads and lint balls. Please let’s get the word out to properly care for Blue Ivy hair.

The petition has reached over 3,000 signatures, which I am not sure how they thought it would actually affect Blue’s hair. Some people are saying the petition caused Bey to finally comb her hair. Blue Ivy was seen with her hair combed neatly in a bun. Do you believe Bey caved? I do believe that if a mother has her wig tight, her baby girl’s should be just as nice. However, as a parent, we have the right to dress our children, what to feed our children, and how to comb (or not comb) their hair as we see fit. Take a pic below of Blue’s baby bun. I do think this petition is quite silly all around though.

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