Don’t come for the King’s Queen unless the palace sends for you! TI definitely had to let rapstress Azealia Banks know not to throw shade at his estranged wife Tiny. TI’s new song out is called ‘Mediocre’ in which Tip says “Only f-ck with bad bitches. I don’t want no mediocre,”
which caused Azealia to jump on Twitter and respond. Read more below.
Banks tweeted ““You want no mediocre…but have you seen your wife?”…woah… TI had a few choice words for the New York rapper.
“U musty-mouthed-thot-bot-bad-body-syphilis-lipped-rectum-vomit-unimportant-ugggggly-monstrosity-of-a-maggot -ass BIIIIIIIITCCHHHH!!!!!! If u speak ill of my family again….. I WILL END YOU!!!!!! #OnPHIL #OnDOE #NoBuuulllshit people fall down stairs daily…. U better watch yo step,u ungly-ass Gremlin-baby #nerveofdisCretin #fuckouttahea”
Well damn Gucci! I think Tip could have brushed that one off but I respect for him standing up for Tameka.
Check out the video for ‘No Mediocre’
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