The New Captain America Will Be Black


According to the NY Post Marvel has announced they are releasing a new version of Captain America. This time he cast as a black super hero. Captain America’s partner The Falcon will take over in the series. Check out the post below.

Marvel has announced a new Captain America — and for the first time in the comic franchise’s history, the superhero has been cast as a black man.

Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada announced on The Colbert Report Wednesday night that Sam Wilson, also known as The Falcon, will take over Captain America’s shield in Captain America #21.

The star-spangled superhero had suffered a brutal defeat at the hands of the newly minted villain Iron Nail and lost his special powers that gave him super-strength and youth last month.

“Doesn’t that make him Captain African-American?” Colbert joked on the show before suggesting he take on the role of The Falcon in the comics.

The change for the Cap will only affect the comic book universe at this time. Chris Evans, who has played the Captain on the big screen in The Avengers, will continue to portray the hero.

Captain America writer Rick Remender told “I think that different characters across the Marvel Universe are going to respond to Sam’s appointment in different ways. But he’s not a novice—in his long history as the Falcon, he’s earned a reputation for integrity and honesty and backbone that most of the super hero community have a respect for.”

In the CA movies, Anthony Mackie has been portraying The Falcon, he could definitely benefit from this change. I do however feel this will cause some controversy; having a black man named “Captain America”…..stay tuned.

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