Women have many options for birth control methods such as the pill, the shot and different devices that can be inserted in your arm or your lady part down there. Well now scientists have created a male birth control option outside of condoms. The product is called Vasalgel and is a non-hormonal polymer gel that temporarily blocks sperm from flowing. They are calling it a reversable vasectomy. The gel is injected in the urethra and blocks the ducts, and when they want it reversed they will receive another injection to flush it out. That sounds painful but not as painful as the actual surgery right?
Researchers have tried the gel out on 15 male baboons who had unrestricted access to female baboons. Studies showed no pregnancies happened within 6 months “testing”. Human trials will start next year and if they go right, the gel will be available to your doctor in 2017. I want to know how many men will actually get it? Will this allow women to be able to get off the shot and pill which comes with many side affects such as hair loss, weight gain, acne, hormonal issues, etc..
What do you think about this? I don’t think it is a bad idea, however I am not too sure about these birth control injections for men another company is working on.
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