What is really going on here? Is there something in the Gatorade they are giving these football players that are causing them to get so aggressive with the women they “love”? Arizona Cardinals running back Jonathan Dwyer was deactivated from all team activities and arrested this week on assault charges that happened back in July. According to police reports, his wife bit his top lip to stop his sexual advances, which resulted in him head butting her breaking her nose. The next day he punched her in the face and threw a shoe at their 1 year old son. His wife fled Arizona after the second attack.
The police report also says that she returned a week later due to receiving suicidal texts from Dwyer which included a picture of a knife. The report also states that a neighbor called the police after hearing the commotion. Dwyer hid in their bathroom until the cops came. Allegedly trying to get his wife to say she was not hurt and that he was not at home. Dwyer threatened to take his life in front of his wife and their child if she told the truth about what happened.
He will continue to receive his 730,000 a week until this is figured out. He also commented on the Ray Rice situation.
He was not the only NFL player this week to be arrested on Domestic Violence charges this week. Cardinals also cut Chris Rainey for domestic violence, as well as the Carolina Panthers cut Greg Hardy for it as well. With all of these stories happening back to back, this causes me to believe that these athletes have been apart of these domestic violence disputes for a long time, but since the NFL got negative light shed on them due to the Ray Rice event, they are taking action on every single one now. Is it because they really care about domestic violence or to keep up appearances for the brand?
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