Florida State University alumnus and attorney Myron May went on a rampage and shot and wounded 3 students in the school’s library after midnight. 1 student is in critical condition, 1 student is in good condition and the last student was saved by his back pack. The bullet hit his books instead of his body. Jason Derfuss recounts on his Facebook page what happened to him.
He was about 5 feet from me, but he hit my books. Books one minute earlier I had checked out of the library, books that should not have stopped the bullet. But they did.
I learned this about 3 hours after it happened, I never thought to check my bag. I assumed I wasn’t a target, I assumed I was fine. The truth is I was almost killed tonight and God intervened. I know conceptually He can do all things, but to physically witness the impossible and to be surrounded by such grace is indescribable. To God be the glory, forever and ever, Amen.
Reports are saying that Mays may have suffered from mental illness. They assume this because of the posts on his social media accounts about government conspiracy theories. A few reports were also saying that Mays was having financial trouble and was staying in a guest house so he could get on his feet. Before he could possibly get help, he was gunned down by police outside of the library.
Web Celeb Daily will have an upcoming post about mental health and the black community. Stay tuned.
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