The world was filled with outrage when we found out about an Arizona mom who left her children in her car, so she could attend a job interview. The look on her face on the picture above says so many things. It shows a pain I never want to experience. Shanesha Taylor was arrested and charged with felony abuse but could only avoid jail time if she put $40,000 of the donation money she received in a trust account for the kids. She received $114,000 in donations with the help of a New Jersey woman who felt her pain. Shanesha however did not follow through with her agreement. She never put the $40,000.00 in the account. Her lawyer says she is “throwing away a deal of a lifetime”.
Prosecutors are saying that Taylor spent more than $4,000.00 a month on non essential items. A source close to her says she also used donation money to fund a rap album for the father of her children. (I DESPISE the words baby daddy/baby momma.) Apparently the source that leaked the information was a former supporter of Taylor. They decided to contact Rev. Jarett Maupin who notified the news.
According to FOX10 Taylor is trying to raise more money because she is running out. She is due back in court this month. Taylor denies the allegations but cannot prove where the money went.
Now I think she is absolutely ridiculous. You had to only put away $40k out of 114k to avoid jail time….for your CHILDREN, and you blow it and fund a rap album. I would be highly pissed if I were that New Jersey woman. You clearly needed the money to care for your children and you blew it. The judge is not going to have any mercy on her.
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