You spoke and they listened! Yesterday we posted that viewers threatened to boycott Mona Scott Young & VH1’s new show Sorority Sisters along with their sponsors. A petition with over 42,000 signatures have apparently gotten the attention of some of the sponsors of the show. Sponsors such as Hallmark, Crayola, Honda and Carmex have gone public announcing they will stick with their customers and pull their ads from the show, some are pulling from the network entirely.
@Jamelevate After our investigation into the new program, however, we are in process of pulling our ad dollars from VH-1. (2/2)
— Carmex (@Carmex) December 18, 2014
@Jamelevate Carmex does not endorse or represent any particular content on television. (1/2)
— Carmex (@Carmex) December 18, 2014
@opticaldiva10 We appreciate your feedback. Honda does not support the views expressed on this show and we have pulled our ads.
— Honda (@Honda) December 18, 2014
@SheRunsforLove,we understand your concerns & thank you for sharing your thoughts.We do not plan to air our commercials on future episodes.
— Crayola (@Crayola) December 17, 2014
@humbly_evolving Our commercials appeared as part of a larger buy on VH1. We aren’t planning to air commercials in future episodes. -jt
— Hallmark (@Hallmark) December 17, 2014
I have a feeling the show will be pulled very soon.
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