Has R&B Singer Mya Began Moonlighting As A Stripper?

When I think of Mya, the last thing that would come to my mind would be a strip club. Apparently this is how Mya makes her money now. No she is not an actual stripper, but she does perform inside strip clubs. Her most recent appearance at a strip club has people not sure if they should throw dollars or go to iTunes to buy her new single. 

Take a look at footage from the performance and you judge for yourself.

Well it’s clear it was a performance, but is this a step back in her career or is this just a “get it how you live” moment? You cannot take away from the fact though that Mya still has it vocally, and she is still as beautiful as ever. Her legs are amazing! She looked better than the dancer that was on stage with her.

This leads me to question though, is her passion there still for  the music or is it just about the money? We all have bills to pay, but is all money good money? Ashanti busted her ass off to release her last project and she did it independently and it was very successful. Mya still has the talent, why waste it on a strip club performance when I am sure there are finer establishments that she can perform at that would pay her, bring an audience and she doesn’t have to have money thrown at her as if that is her profession.

The people aren’t coming to hear a new single from Mya, they are coming to see her throw that ass in a circle.

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