I am really not liking Claudia Jordan after hearing all of these “jokes” she is making about black people with dark skin. She even went as far as saying one black man would be a good orangutan. Since she always seems to have jokes, she recently apologized to her former employer Tameka “Tiny” Harris for what she claims was a joke.
Recently a recording of Miss Jordan was leaked from when she worked on Jamie Foxx’s radio show Foxxhole. She threw maaaaajor shade at Tiny calling her ugly, and saying she couldn’t understand why TI would pay 3 million dollars to live in a house with Tiny because of the way she looks. Listen to what she said.
The tea is that because the leak has gone viral……….now all of a sudden she wants to apologize to Tiny. Saying she has been wanting to do it for years. I guess she didn’t think the time was right when Tiny offered her a job on the Tiny Tonight show.
She used Rickey Smiley Morning show platform to apologize to Tiny, but Tiny was not feeling it. She responded to a fan who said Claudia was a hypocrite for getting mad at the shade Ne Ne threw Claudia’s way by saying :
What do you think about this apology? Should she have left the past in the past? Could it be taken as authentic because she did it on the air and didn’t talk directly to Tiny? Or should Tiny be glad that Claudia apologized at all? Sound off!
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