Bobby Brown has made an official statement about Bobbi Kristina and what he says are false stories being spread. He actually calls out directly ‘The Atlanta Journal Constitution’, ‘The Daily Mail’, ‘TMZ’, and ‘The National Enquirer’.
Brown said:
“We support the candlelight vigil for Bobbi Kristina. The Brown family is amazed by the love and support from all that attended,” legal counsel for Bobby Brown told The Insider With Yahoo on Tuesday. “However the false reports that continue to appear in print and on the internet are egregious, false and will be dealt with at an appropriate time. In particular, the false reporting of TMZ, The National Enquirer, The Atlanta Journal Constitution and the Daily Mail (UK) citing, police sources, family sources and Bobby Brown himself, will receive my attention. The desire to be ‘first’ has clouded the judgment of many reporters as they forgo accuracy. This is a criminal investigation and the integrity of that process requires silence. We continue to request privacy in this matter. We thank everyone that supported the vigil for Bobbi Kristina. God is hearing our prayers.”
There were stories saying they were going to let Bobbi Kristina pass away on the same day as Whitey Houston died. Today it has been 3 years that Whitney has been gone.
Bobby Brown didn’t say specifically which story was false, but he did clarify that this has turned into a criminal investigation. There was a story that she had facial injuries and that police are investigating her relationship with Nick Gordon.
The family is praying that Bobbi Kristina will fully recover.
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