I truly have been wondering where Mo’Nique has been hiding, and why she hadn’t been doing any films or shows. She did have her talk show on BET, which came to an end surprisingly. Mo’Nique is finally speaking out about why she hasn’t been on the Hollywood scene. She recently did an interview with The Hollywood Reporter explaining what happened.
“I got a phone call from Lee Daniels,” said the actor. “And he said to me, ‘Mo’Nique, you’ve been blackballed.’ I said, ‘Why?’ And he said, ‘Because you didn’t play the game.’”
She says that since 2009, she has only had minor television roles, and last year she was apart of the movie ‘Blackbird’, that also starred former blackballed star Isaiah Washington. Mo’Nique says that happened because she is tactless and difficult. She says, “That’s why I have my beautiful husband because he’s so full of tact. I’m just a girl from Baltimore. But being from that place, you learn not to let anybody take advantage of you.”
Basically she is saying that she will not kiss Hollywood’s ass to obtain a role. When she is on the set she is 100% Mo’Nique. Mo also explained that she was supposed to play Forrest Whitaker’s wife in ‘The Butler’, as well as Richard Pryor’s grandmother in his biopic. Both roles were taken away from her.
Lee Daniels is the creator of Precious, The Butler, Richard Pryor’s bio and the new hit show Empire, released a statement:
“Mo’Nique is a creative force to be reckoned with. Her demands through Precious were not always in line with the campaign. This soured her relationship with the Hollywood community. I consider her a friend. I have and will always think of her for parts that we can collaborate on, however the consensus among the creative teams and powers thus far were to go another way with these roles.”
I hear about this happening all the time. Mo’Nique is very talented and I hope she can overcome this. It’s sad that we can’t be ourselves and express ourselves all while trying to live our dream. We have to count on others when our money is not able to produce our own. Thats why I work hard to build my own empire.
She is an actress, she has a family, to blackball her from working to feed her family is straight cruel. Was this the reason BET cancelled her talk show?
So to all that want to be in the movie business, this is something you need to consider, especially if you have a strong personality and opinion. You won’t make it far, if you are not kissing ass and following orders of “the powers that be”.
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