This really isn’t news that the world didn’t already know, but now it is officially confirmed. Love & Hip Hop Atlanta’s star Joseline Hernandez, appeared in court, and under oath admitted that the show is indeed fake and scripted.
Althea Eaton decided to sue Joseline for that big ass fight that occurred last season at the reunion. Althea says that Joseline was high on crack cocaine during the fight. Benzino did state that during the show, which caused Stevie J and Joseline to charge at both Althea and Benzino.
TMZ was able to get video from Joseline’s testimony where she admitted the show is more acting than reality.
She was so turned down lol! She appeared to be so sweet and innocent in court, which obviously is the total opposite of the Puerto Rican Princess we see on the show. She admits that who we see on the show is not really HER….so who is the real Joseline?
The “acting” probably won’t get her off for attacking everybody though.
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