Nelly Is Arrested In Tennessee For Having Marijuana, Meth and Guns.


Now Nelly is going to have to explain this to his son and nephew he is raising to keep out of trouble. The St. Louis rapper was arrested Saturday after cops pulled his tour bus over for not having proper tags. Cops smelled mary jane in the air, and decided to search the bus. Cops say they found weed, meth and a bunch of guns.

According to Nelly’s lawyer Scott Rosenblum, the drugs were not his. He says that multiple people had access to the tour bus before they were stopped, and multiple people were on it when cops pulled them over.

Cops say they found a baggie with crystal rocks that tested positive for meth around the sleeping area of the bus. The guns they found included a .50 caliber pistol, a .500 magnum Smith and Wesson. and a .45 caliber pistol.

His lawyer also says cops are over exaggerating the “meth” found. He says it was a small amount of MD/MA Ecstasy.

Nelly was booked on a felony charge for the meth, and a misdemeanor for the weed.

Rosenblum vows to make sure Nelly is not associated with the drugs  found on the bus.

Nelly should be smarter than that. You gotta know that your people and their people can’t have that type of stuff around you IF you are not partaking. Now you have got to fight to prove you aren’t a meth head.

We can be sure to see this play out on his next season of Nellyville.

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