Is Rihanna in love with the coco? A vine video was posted online yesterday morning showing Rihanna celebrating her bff Melissa Forde’s birthday and possibly snorting cocaine. Take a look.
The white thing in her hand that looked to be what she may have used to “snort”, and then grabbing her nose seemed to be all the evidence people needed.
Rihanna has responded to the fan who re-posted the video saying she was the new Whitney Houston which started all the snorting rumors.
Now we all know Ri Ri loves her weed, so I’m not shocked that she says she was rolling a joint. Her friend posted the video first anyway, so if Ri Ri was snorting, I don’t think she would have posted that part for the world to find out about.
The guy that said she was doing cocaine removed his profile from Instagram. Apparently, Rihanna’s navy called the police on him and found out he was wanted for drugs and sexual assault.
Damn! The navy might go harder the bey hive.
Making light of the situation, Rihanna posts a picture online of her with a can of Coke.
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