Did NeNe Leakes & Wendy Williams Have Words At The Women’s Expo In Atlanta?

Word in Atlanta is that NeNe Leakes and Wendy Williams may have clashed in Atlanta over the weekend. The two powerhouse women were keynote speakers at the Ultimate Women’s Expo on Sunday.  Reports say that NeNe and Wendy started arguing and cursing at each other backstage. NeNe sets the record straight.

Mrs. Leakes stopped by Watch What Happens Live to clear up what actually went down. She tells Andy Cohen:

“I didn’t even see Wendy today, nor her husband today. But  a lot happened back stage with her husband, I heard. Just because I was on stage, he went completely crazy, I heard. “

Someone stated that Wendy left the expo because NeNe was throwing shots at Wendy during her segment. Wendy was close by the stage doing a book signing, but she did not complete it. Wendy’s husband Kevin was pissed.

That’s crazy that this happened during a moment that was meant to bring women together.

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