Word on Reality Street is that the Love & Hip Hop Atlanta cast have a new clause in their contracts that state if they fight, they will be fired from the show. Which makes sense based on the last reunion brawl.
However, it is still all about the money. See the producers are only trying to clean up the fighting because sponsors are threatening to pull their ads. (Light bulb!)
So the advertiser’s were fed up turned off by the level of ratchetness Love & Hip Hop evolved to. That’s why we haven’t seen any knucking and bucking on tv this season. We can’t really use the shirt grabbing Nikko and Stevie J did in the first episodes.
If they do fight, the episode will not air and they will not receive their pay, which may lead to being fired from the show.
I guess they will have to fight with their words now. Do you think this will hurt their ratings?
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