Now this right here proves that you can’t trust anyone. A then 21 year old Stevie Wonder signed a document that his then lawyer, Johanan Vigoda, tricked Stevie into signing, that would leave his family wealthy for the rest of their lives.
According to court documents, Stevie signed a paper giving 6% of his royalties to Vigoda’s family. Vigoda died in 2011, but the paper stated that the money would be paid to his family forever. Stevie’s record company continued to pay Vigoda’s widow for an additional 2 years before Stevie found out what happened.
When Stevie found, he demanded that payments be stopped. He says he trusted Vigoda and never thought he would do something so low down. Vigoda’s widow however is not trying to hear it and wants to be paid for the years Stevie stopped payment and for the future. She wants a minimum of 7 million.
I’m pretty sure the wife was aware of her husband’s actions. All for the love of money and greed. Hopefully Stevie can get this resolved.
I have always wondered how he handles things like contracts.
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