R&B singer Usher Raymond gave Tameka Foster’s bridesmaid a gift that she will keep forever.
According to court documents, Usher was diagnosed with herpes back in 2009/2010. The 38-year-old Atlanta native had unprotected sex with his now ex-wife’s bridesmaid Maya Fox-Davis. Usher pretty much admitted he had a sexual addiction in his song “Appetite” on the 2008 album “Here I Stand”.
In California if you are infected with any type of sexually transmitted disease and do not disclose it to your partner, that is illegal. Now Usher claims that he told Davis that he had tested negative for herpes, but had greenish discharge leaking from his penis. The green stuff cleared up, she believed him and they continued to smash.

Not long after, the woman ended up developing sores on her vaginal area, fevers and chills. She informed Raymond, so he paid for some of her medical bills…..oh and had his doctor call her and tell her he indeed did have the virus.
Apparently Usher contracted herpes right after he married and started to cheat on Tameka Foster, per court docs.
You cheat on your wife and sleep with her friend? Tameka dodged a bullet for sure. Now it was totally wrong for him not to tell the woman he cheated with that he had the virus (sorry we don’t buy that he didn’t know over here) however, she was dead wrong for sleeping with her “friend’s” husband.
All they both can do now is ….let it burn.