Black Ink Crew Chicago’s newest season has begun and it’s already crazy. One of the biggest feuds we didn’t see coming was between Van vs. Ryan. We caught up with Van to discuss his side of the story.
If you have been following Black Ink Crew Chicago then you know that things have gotten tense between longtime friends Van and Ryan. (If you don’t you need to catch up.) Ryan started doing business outside the shop without the entire 9 Mag family and Van didn’t take kindly to that. The two ended up coming to blows, and Ryan tried to ban Van from the shop.
We know that there are two sides to every story, and we spoke with Van Tuesday night to get his side. We also discussed Van growing up in Chicago, his clothing brand Chicagorilla, how he and his daughter adjusted to being reality stars, threesomes and more.
It definitely was really good to speak with Van.
Who do you think he tattooed? What role do you think would be good for him to play on Power? I could see him being down with Kanaan’s crew lol.
Check out some of the Chicagorilla apparel below.
You can find more about Chicagorilla here .
Be sure to check out Black Ink Crew Chicago every Wednesday 8pm EST on Vh1.