As the trial of Jelani Maraj continues, the 13 year old victim takes the stand.
Now we want to report this story fairly because we don’t know all of the facts, however the details coming out about this situation is sickening. The unnamed teen says Jelani Maraj who is also the brother of Nick Minaj, raped her for months. She says it all started in 2015 not long after her mother married Maraj. She said that things started to go bad in their marriage and that is when Maraj turned to the little girl who was 11 at the time.

The young girl says that Jelani would only rub his erect penis on her at first, but one morning when she went into her mother’s bedroom, that’s when the actual rape began.
‘It was a Saturday morning,’ she said. ‘I had went to him to go say “good morning”. I had hugged him as usual. I went to go lie next to him as I usually do. When I did that, he told me to go close the door. He told me to take off my pants. Then he told me to come under the covers with him and he started caressing me.’
She also went on to say that after the rape he ejaculated in her mouth. She says that over that summer he began to rape her anally, and gave her tips on how to relax.
He used lubricant and told me to breathe properly and not to clench so it wouldn’t hurt so much,’ she said. ‘It hurt. I told him to stop and tried to push him away.
According to the young girl, Nicki’s brother would say to her that she wanted to have sex with him. She said they had sex in his bedroom, the basement, her bedroom and anywhere else he wanted. “He had mentioned I was brushing myself on him and that I wanted it to happen”.
The little girl’s brother who was 8 when the alleged attacks were happening also testified saying that he walked in the room during one of the assaults. She says because Jelani would slap her in the mouth and threaten her if she told, she begged her brother not to tell as well.
Now let’s get to some facts. DNA evidence proved that traces of Jelani Maraj’s DNA was found in the girl’s underwear. A doctor also testified that the girl had scar tissue on her genitals show forced penetration.

If found guilty, Maraj is facing 10-20 years behind bars. Which if this is true he deserves LIFE!
My question to the mother is, why was this man alone with your daughter so often? Lets clarify that I am not blaming the mother, but you have to take some responsibility being that you brought that man around. When your daughter is sprouting and growing in puberty, you have to be more aware and make conscious decisions about how close you allow people to be with your kid. Sitting on laps after a certain age should be a definite “no no” as it can cause arousal from the man.
I pray this young lady finds healing and does not let this determine how her future will end up. A lot of sexual assault victims turn out to be very promiscuous and with so many std’s out here today, that is not a role she needs to take.
We will keep you updated as more details of this sick trial continues.