Oprah just killed the dreams of anyone that planned to vote Winfrey & O’Bama for President 2020 .
The idea of Oprah Winfrey becoming President went viral after her Golden Globe’s speech, and social media ran with it! Meme’s of O and former First Lady Michelle O’Bama as running mates for the 2020 election were seen everywhere online, and made headlines on broadcast news stations. Some reporters even wrote stories saying Oprah was really considering the thought. However, Oprah’s longtime BFF Gayle King says that running for President is not Oprah’s style.

Oprah finally gave statements in a recent interview that gave end to the speculations.
I actually saw a mug the other day?…?I thought it was a cute mug. All you need is a mug and some campaign literature and a T-shirt. I’ve always felt very secure and confident with myself in knowing what I could do and what I could not. And so it’s not something that interests me. I don’t have the DNA for it.
Oprah then went on to say that her friend Gayle knows first hand she would not be happy being President.
Gayle—who knows me as well as I know myself practically—has been calling me regularly and texting me things, like a woman in the airport saying, “When’s Oprah going to run?” So Gayle sends me these things, and then she’ll go, “I know, I know, I know! It wouldn’t be good for you—it would be good for everyone else.” I met with someone the other day who said that they would help me with a campaign. That’s not for me.
Although there were a lot of people wanting to vote for Oprah, there were just as many who expressed their concerns over having another celebrity running the country. Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock has expressed his interest in running for POTUS in 2020.
Can a celebrity truly handle the job or should we stick to true politicians?