What was she thinking?
Kendrick Lamar is on tour and during his performances he lets fans come up and rap along to MAAD City. Things went left when a fan lets the N word slip out her mouth.

Kendrick let the girl who calls herself Delaney keep rapping for a few seconds but when “n**ga ” comes out her mouth a good 3-4x he stops the show. Take a look.
Now a few things come to mind after watching the video. He said that someone from his camp knew the rules, so I’m thinking maybe that was the DJ…why would you choose that song? Or why not play a clean version so girl is not even tempted to say it. Once she would’ve heard that it was bleeped out maybe she wouldn’t have said it? IDK.
Another thing is, Delaney tried to act like she didn’t realize she said the word…MULTIPLE times. Like girl….you knew in your mind “damn this word is about to come up should I say it or not?”…you had too! She says, “am I not cool enough for you?” … I took that as cool enough to say the word, not cool enough to rap.
To me I feel it was in poor taste on both sides. Once Kendrick’s people chose a white woman (which they had to know it would be a possibility) they should’ve had a back up plan.
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