Beyonce and Jay Z To Give 1 Million In Scholarships For Teens In Need.

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Imagine Bey and Jay sending your kid to college. If you live in one of the qualifying cities…it just might happen. 

While going city to city for the ‘On The Run Tour II’, the couple have decided to give back. Through The BeyGOOD Initiative And The Shawn Carter Foundation, they have partnered with the Boys & Girls Club to choose a well deserving high school senior that is in need, to receive 100K towards their college or university tuition for the 2018-2019 school year.

Image result for beyonce and jay z charity
Beyonce and Jay Z

Students that live in Atlanta, Orlando, Miami, Arlington, New Orleans, Houston, Phoenix, Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Clara and Seattle will be chosen by the Boys & Girls Club to receive the award. Each winner will be announced on each tour stop.



Qualified students must demonstrate academic excellence and show financial needs that would make it hard for them to enter a college or university for the academic year 2018-2019.

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