Tiffany Haddish had a pretty good year, but she never imagined she would end 2018 like this.
Last night at the James L. Knight center in Miami, Tiffany Haddish was supposed to perform but ended up explaining why she couldn’t tell jokes. According to Tiffany…she just couldn’t remember. Tiff walked on stage and stumbled over her words. She said “f*ck it”. She tries to save it but fans started to walk out, boo her, and one even got closer to the stage to become a heckler. Check it out.
Tiffany was concerned that all of the media would have a field day with the report and video of her being booed off stage, but she says it will never happen again. Tiffany ended up looking over her ipad and was able to do a little something at the end of the show. However, she cut it short so she could drink Ciroc with the fans that stayed.