Chadwick Boseman Dies From Colon Cancer At 43.

Chadwick Boseman, who portayed our beloved T’Challa in the hit film ‘Black Panther, has passed away from colon cancer. The public speculated for months if the actor was sick, but it was never confirmed.

A post was made on his Instagram explaining that he passed away at home, with his family peacefully.

Boseman died on a day that Major League Baseball was celebrating Jackie Robinson day. He had the opportunity of portraying Robinson in the movie “42”.

RIP Great Tragedy in Hollywood: Chadwick Boseman, Star of “Black Panther,” Dies at Age 43 of Colon Cancer | Showbiz411

Celebrities like Issa Rae, Martin Lawrence and Jordan Peele expressed their grief in learning of his passing.

Chadwick’s role as T’Challa made us fall in love with him. The world will truly miss him, and his craft.

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