Earlier today we reported that a 15 year old boy reported his brother had been dead for a year in the bedroom next to his. His mother Gloria Williams and her boyfriend Brian Coulter have been arrested in connection with the case after an autopsy revealed the cause of death was a homicide.
See related article: https://webcelebdaily.com/2021/10/26/children-abandoned-by-parents-found-living-with-deceased-siblings-skeletal-remains/

The Daily Mail reports that the 15 year old is said to have texted his mother that he was fed up and couldn’t take living like that anymore. He then called 911. Williams apparently would show up to the apartment occasionally to give the 3 children she abandoned snacks to eat. When she didn’t show up, the teen would go to neighbor Erica Chapman, and other neighbors in the building. About six months ago, Chapman said she started offering the 15-year-old food, but he refused to accept cooked meals, only agreeing to take packaged snacks, fruit and pizza. Another neighbor named Trevor Thompson says the teen was was paranoid he may be poisoned.

When asked why they never called authorities, the neighbors said they did not grasp the severity of the situation, describing the teenager as quiet and discreet. ‘I didn’t want to push him away by asking questions because I knew he was starving and needed food,’ Chapman said.
Williams and Coulter were found living just 15 minutes away from where they left the children to fend for themselves.
There were two truancy cases against Williams in 2019 and 2020 from the kids schools, however, they were dismissed due to COVID.
Williams has been charged with injury to a child by omission, failure to provide medical care and failure to provide adequate supervision, according to Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez. Coulter has been charged with murder.

The three children were taken to a hospital where they were determined to be malnourished and injured. The 7-year-old had broken bones in his face. CPS is working on locating next of kin for the kids.