Buffalo Man Sues LA Sheriff’s Office After Being Beat During Traffic Stop.

Andre Olivas is suing the Los Angeles Country Sheriff’s Department, multiple deputies, and Sheriff Alex Villanueva after cellphone video footage showed the deputies holding the him down and hitting him in the head during a traffic stop for expired tags in Long Beach, California.

Olivas was pulled over while leaving a gas station last February because the vehicle he rented for work use had expired tags. He expressed to the officer that he was unaware of his tags being expired and that he was in town trying to expand his business. “His explanation to me was, usually in his experience, if there’s an expired license plate or bad license plate, usually the truck is stolen,” Olivas said.

The 28-year-old says when he couldn’t locate the registration things got violent quickly. He says he asked for their supervisor and was attacked. “After slamming me on the hood of his vehicle, he started to Mace me near my face.” Olivas said, noting that at times he almost lost consciousness. “Oh my God, I’m scared.’ I’m just trying not to do anything to make them think I’m trying to struggle or fight,”

The unfortunate scene was recorded.

“I kind of feel like that’s what really escalated it, was me asking to speak to a supervisor,” Olivas expressed. “Everything I wanted to do was comply and give them the information that they need. To be honest, [I was] scared for my life. I didn’t know what was going on because it was without any warning”. He says the incident left him with permanent emotional trauma and brain damage.

LASD has said they cannot make a statement because they have not seen the complaint.

WebCelebDaily will keep you updated.

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