Footage Shows Lunch Aide Forcing A Student To Eat From Trash Can. Security footage has been released showing a 9 year old Ohio student, being forced by…
Buffalo Man Sues LA Sheriff’s Office After Being Beat During Traffic Stop. Andre Olivas is suing the Los Angeles Country Sheriff’s Department, multiple deputies, and Sheriff Alex…
Elon Musk Wants To Implant Chips In Your Brain In 2022. Tesla CEO Elon Musk, plans to start testing out microchips being implanted in human brains…
Get To Know Global Billboards. Are you a small business owner who is ready to take their marketing game to…
Michigan Police Handcuffs Then Points A Gun At A 11 Year Old Boy After His Father Runs. A federal lawsuit that was filed against Pittsfield, MI police says that authorities pulled a…
Mother & Boyfriend Arrested For 8 Year Old’s Death After Skeletal Remains and 3 Kids Found In Apartment Earlier today we reported that a 15 year old boy reported his brother had been…
Children Abandoned By Parents Found Living With Deceased Sibling’s Skeletal Remains. Houston PD responded to a 911 call where a 15 year old boy says that…
Woman Found Guilty Of Manslaughter For Miscarriage. A 21-year-old Oklahoma woman was found guilty of first degree manslaughter after she suffered a…
Florida Mother Facing Eviction Over Vaccine Status. South Florida mother Jasmine Irby was told by her landlord that she has two weeks…
Cook County Judge Took Away Mother’s Custody Because She Is Not Vaccinated. Yes you read that right. Arizona mother Rebecca Firlit, the mother of an 11-year-old boy,…