Rick Ross Puts Up His Mansion To Post 2 Million Dollar Bail.

The court is really putting the pressure on Ricky Rozay. He was first denied bail, but they allowed him to be released upon a 2 million dollar payment. Sources say Ross had to use 1 million in equity of his GA mansion, a surety bond and $500k in cash.

His attorney had to promise the judge that Ross would forfeit his home if they find out Ross has tried to intimidates or threatens any witnesses.

Prosecutors say that Ross found out the groundskeeper had a birthday party at his home. He allegedly dragged the man into his house and beat him multiple times. They say he then put a gun to the groundskeeper’s chest and threatened to “pop a cap” in him if he told police.

This isn’t looking too good for the boss. It seems they are going to come down hard on him.

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